Thursday, December 14, 2006


Hi ya! Just raised my first internship in Sri Lanka (and god-know's-how-manyth-in-total): TN-In-LK-CN-2006-1263. It's still on a status "new" but should be available soon. So, if you want to grow your wings towards global entrepreneurship or you are just head-over-heels about strategy and leadership, this TN might be just for you! A good extra is the diverse nature of the paradise island that you can experience during the weekends and vacations. So, why don't ya join me!


Yesterday we had a training for ca 50 people from various companies. The topic was transition management for first time managers, i.e. how to adapt the new skills, time applications and work values needed in the first managerial job. Although it was just a one-day public program, we managed to get people literally take of their ties, loosen up and dig into this serious topic in a fun way. At the end of the program some people were genuinely touched by the impact the training had in them. It feels good when you're shaking a total stranger's hand and they are not willing to let go, because they want to share with you how amazing the day together was.

I think we are on to something here... Something grand... A start of a journey. Now we just need more people who share the same passion and conviction for leadership. This posting was not intended to be recruitment but if you got interested, drop me an email. I'll get back to you in January.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dull adults

I don't want to grow up if it means to be reserved all the time and hiding emotions. Still, last year it was so natural just to go and hug people without a reason or shout your guts out in Hevimesta karaoke. Now all that seems so far away history. Am I becoming a boring adult? Am I contributing to the reserved atmosphere of the adult world?

Nah, at least the next three weeks I'm going to live life to the fullest, talk about emotions and dreams, show love and respect, laugh, cry and cuddle. Love, I'm waiting. See you on Sunday!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Finland in my mind

Nope, this is not one of those "Oooh my god, I miss home. I just want to lead this darn country as soon as possible!" postings. I just thought of posting something - cos it's been a while - and letting you know I'm alive. The title refers to SMS dialogue with my dad yesterday. He was asking if I would come home for christmas. As much as I'd love to go to snowless and dark Finland, I still prefer spending three weeks in paradise with my beloved girlfriend. Still, I reckoned if he's asking me to come home for christmas, it might not be just about christmas. So I mentioned to him that I could check some reasonably priced flights and consider a short vacation in May. His response was: "Keep checking those flights, we'll discuss about it later".

So, it might actually mean that I could go back home for a couple of weeks to see my friends and family. That would be so awesome but I don't even want to consider the costs. I can't afford it, that's for sure. If he's willing to sponsor I'd love to go. The truth is that this distance really puts matters in perspective. It's not the country I'm missing that much - but the people... and sauna of course! So, just in case, keep your May unbooked for a while... there might be a sad wanker knocking on your door! :) This is of course at a dreaming state right now but isn' t it the ones that keep dreaming that also do something about it? (This message goes also for the ones who are considering their next step in life... stop considering and do something about it! Kantsu is a great place to spend a year.)

On a more personal note (if possible), last weekend was a mixture of good and bad feelings. I met this guy called Marc who is 49-year old UN project manager. He's just an amazing personality and I'm meeting him again tonight. We might end up in a long relationship (sorry Paula). Nah, we're offering him a possibility to start the first foreign Unleash Talent office somewhere around the world. I'll keep you updated about that development.

What made the weekend mixed was monday morning (ca 3 AM) when one former AIESEC trainee attacked me physically. It was due to a misunderstanding and would have never happened if we had time to discuss. But it all happened so fast that it had all the ingredients for a great fiasko. Luckily, we had a chat after that and solved the issue. Yesterday he came to me and apologized his behavior, so now everything is back to normal... or a bit better. Sometimes it takes a bit of fight to make friends (right Matti?).

If you're wondering why I was free on Monday, it's because every month the full moon day is a public holiday. Lord Buddha was a cool guy... although not much of a drinker.