Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Rise and Fall of Roman Empire

I haven't been writing in a while... for a reason. Like you know, we used to live in a house called Rome. We were referred to as Romans and we even had Caesar (a two-meter water monitor guarding our property). But even Caesar was not enough for us to be saved of the cunning plans of thieves and burglars who continuously violated our privacy. The last time (a few weeks ago) someone came in during the day through our bathroom window and stole stuff worth 160.000 rupees.

Moreover we had had our share of insects and dirt, of Uguduwas peeing through the ceiling, and of mosquitoes sucking our blood. Finally, the patience of our landlord came to an end. After all he had been tolerating the multicultural community of young AIESECers for nearly five years. Since the house wasn't exactly sound-proof (or even air-tight) he got enough of us. The time had come to let the Roman Empire fall.

We started dreaming of nice clean house with a bit more luxury, something that one could describe as normal living conditions. All of us started working hard to find the place of our dreams. It seemed that all of the places we checked were either too far, too ugly or just otherwise unsuitable for our requirements.

Then we came across a newly built (2003) flat just a few hundred meters from our office. As soon as we saw the place, it felt like home. The only obstacles were a) it was a bit expensive and we were expected to pay one year's rent in advance and b) the landlord was scared of having six people in an apartment where there has previously been maximum of two people. He thought we would completely wreck the place.

It seemed hopeless for a while, but finally we managed to negotiate less financially painful terms with Kumara (now we call our landlord by name!). We also agreed to change our ways and make sure that generations after us will get to enjoy a bit of luxury during their stay in Sri Lanka. So, we got the place!

We started calling it The Dream House. It’s more than we could ever expect: fully-furnished, clean tiled placed with hot water and great kitchen equipment. We even have a washing machine! To build an enjoyable culture within the house that would serve also the needs of newcomers, we decided to come up with The Dream House Values. We didn't want to make rules as such but values seemed like a proper thing to have. Here they are... We value CLEAN:
  • Civilized relaxation
  • Living tomorrow
  • Enjoying comfort
  • All-for-one attitude
  • Nurturing diversity
We even made a descriptor for the house: "The multicultural accommodation for posh interns to feel like home". That summarizes what it is and why it is. Our quality of life has skyrocketed lately. Within just a week we have had a filthy expensive (posh!) housewarming party, we have joined the gym and started playing badminton on a next-door sports complex, we are cooking together and even planning a healthier diet. Somehow everything just changed when we got out of the dirt-filled Rome. Now we are living our dream, especially when Paula finally joins the Dream Team in 30 October... It's just sad to know that in four and half months we have to leave already...


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