Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Basics in place

Finally! "Upload as many photos as you want! You get free, unlimited storage for all your online albums." was the message from Yahoo! Thanks Peep and Janne for your help.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Trying to picture the future...

...And the past. I tried Kodak Gallery; too slow! I tried Flickr; only 200 pictures allowed! Please, fellow nerds give me a hand: Is there any good picture sharing possibilities that are free and unrestricted? By the way, you ain't gonna get any deep thoughts around here before I get the basics in place (like photosharing).

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Baby steps

You know how it looks like when an infant starts trying to walk. Envision that image in your head and imagine me wobbling around with my newly formed blog. It takes a while for a business student to learn anything technical. Luckily, I've had my share of trial and error learning so it shouldn't take too long. Laters!