Sunday, October 22, 2006

Who would stop the insanity?

A father of a Sri Lankan Army soldier: 'This is not our war. This war has been created by the political leaders. During the off-season for fishing, we used to go to the north or the east for fishing. We were close like brothers with Tamil fishermen in those days.' His son [a soldier himself] nodded approvingly.

Yep, I'm quite fed up with the whole war issue. Before the attack in Galle (the south, where the best beaches are), people were quite indifferent about the war that was waged "up there". You know, people I'm dealing with are from decent conditions and they don't have to enroll to army for their livelihood. It's the poor that get killed. It's quite sad, isn't it? Every single country, family and individual at the face of the earth is forced to play the game with the rules set by others. Either you make enough money to get a life that you want (even a life of modest simplicity) or you suffer and die prematurely.

The war is waged for wrong reasons, propaganda is flourishing on both camps and young (poor) people get killed for someone else's benefit. "Peace talks" in Geneva start in a week (28 October), and these buggers keep attacking and slaying each other to get negotiation power!

Now, if the GOSL and LTTE are too ego-centric, greedy or just plain stupid to put an end to this war, it's the people that have to stand up for the well being of their country. I just don't see that happening any time soon, as the city folks are too complacent rice-eating buggers and the rural people are leading their lives below poverty line.


At Sunday, October 22, 2006, Blogger Paula said...

It's quite shocking to find out that there is this wicked logic of how the world is divided. War and poverty, wealth and freedom coinciding. And yet, once discovered one still can hardly change this pace. Civil war is like suicide: impossible to understand by outsiders.

But the pic...c'mon, show some taste. This kind of shockin' is of empty value.

At Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Blogger Tomi Astikainen said...

Yep, I was pretty upset and frustrated by the time of writing. Then when I googled up pics of the Sri Lankan war, many of those were these propaganda pics by LTTE. Saddest thing is that the murders are actual reality, not just a photo on someone's blog. Well, now the pic is changed to give a more happier note.

At Wednesday, October 27, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, really want to know how can you be that smart, lol...great read, thanks.


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