Monday, March 26, 2007

Good morning

It has been a good morning. We finally matched the Unleash Talent INC internship. A guy called AJ will be joining us from May onwards. He's Nigerian fellow with a good entrepreneurial attitude and passion for leadership.

Those of you who were thinking of applying, don't worry. The TN has been cloned, so you can still apply: TN-In-LK-CN-2007-1271. Those of you who had no idea what this meant, don't worry. It's nothing important for you and no it's not a secret message to take over the world.

As some of you know, my boss co-owns another company called Wild Drift where I sometimes facilitate, too. Here's a piece of feedback that warmed my heart:

"This is one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life. The point is that I learned lessons that can never be learned from books and realized there is so much more for me to learn and unlearn. In my opinion your teaching techniques were very effective. It helped me understand some of the things you were trying to tell us. In conclusion, I’d like to thank you for one in a million experience and making me look at life in a totally different perspective. There wasn’t much excitement in my routine daily life [university, books, shopping for shoes etc.] Wish you all the best and hope you’ll get to conduct more and more projects like this in the future."


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